Enhancing Income Generation Through Adult Education: A Comparative Study

Edited by Richard G. Bagnall

School of Vocational, Technology, and Arts Education, Griffith University

"Adult learning for enhancing income generation has become an issue of great importance in the Asia and Pacific Region. This book provides a valuable framework for undertaking and engaging in cross-country research into nonformal vocational education and training. The detail of the case studies is interesting and informative. It sheds valuable light on the role of learning in local and global civil society." Professor Bud Hall, Dean of Education, University of Victoria and previously President of the International Council for Adult Education

Enhancing Income Generation through Adult Education reports the outcomes of a comparative case study undertaken by the Asian-South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education. The book presents five comprehensive case studies of policies in the Asia Pacific Region impacting on the contribution of nonformal adult education to vocational learning outcomes. These case studies draw out commonalities and differences in policy initiatives, impacts and issues and reveal a number of common developmental tendencies and a convergence of the issues being faced. Vocational learning in this sector is importantly influenced by its commitment to social justice, its strong tradition of volunteerism and its history of involvement by NGOs.

Nonformal adult education in each of these countries is an important provider of vocational education and training. However, its greatest contribution to vocational learning is through more general educational engagements, which contribute to the formation of diverse and situated workplace skills, propensities, confidence, understanding and capabilities.